Understanding the Kingdom of God- By: Graysome Dukes

Description : The kingdom of God is a very misunderstood teaching in the Bible. Some people believe that the kingdom of God is the church. Those who have been born again by the power of the Spirit of God. The church is not the kingdom of God, but we are citizens of that kingdom. Some say that the kingdom of God is heaven. Again this is not the biblical definition of the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is fully manifested and exists in heaven, but it is not the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is the anywhere the King rules and reigns. Here on earth the kingdom of God is anywhere that the rule and reign of Jesus exists. This is primarily evident in the lives of those that have bowed their knees to Jesus. Those that have submitted to His rule and reign in their lives. It is not an eartly kingdom but a spiritual kingdom.

However that rule and reign spills over into the earthly physical realm. When you see people be healed supernaturally by the Spirit of God, you are seeing the kingdom of God being manifested on the earth. When you see people delivered of demonic influences and addictions you are seing the kingdom of God on earth. Think of it this way. Whatever is present in heaven where the kingdom of God is fully manifested, is available here on earth. We just need to allow His rule and reign to be so complete as to allow it to happen. This takes a very intimate and strong prayer life. It takes becoming a spiritual person.

Do you want the kingdom of God to be manifested in your life? I know I do! Who wouldn't? Is there sickness in heaven? Is there poverty and financial distress in heaven? What is the unemployment rate in heaven or for that matter is their a need for employment in heaven? All of these things can be solved in your life if you learn to let the kingdom of God be manifested in your life. But it is not a easy quick fix solution, it takes a heart and dedication to knowing God intimately and personally for this to happen.

I am currently teaching a series on my blog called The Lord's Prayer. It is a teaching on how Jesus prayed and how He taught us to pray. It is a great place to start in order to learn how to have the kingdom of God become manifested in your life. along with that you will find other teachings on the kingdom and how to see the same type of results that Jesus and the disciples had in the early church. I hope you come check it out and learn along with me, how to understand more about the kingdom of God.


Pastor Duke

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : To learn more about how to pray and see God's kingdom come check out these great articles!
How to pray for the kingdom to come.

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